Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Why Greenday? Seriously?

Ok. I have a question for you people: Why do people like the band Greenday? I mean, seriously. They're not that great. There are SO many better bands out there. Like... The Postal Service. Or Death Cab For Cutie. Or The Shins, or Visqueen, or The Dresden Dolls.
Please, somebody explain to me what's so fabulous about Greenday, because to be quite frank, I don't really like them.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Tired, hungry, bored, and uber excited.

I am tired because I slept over at my friend Abby's house on Friday, and at my grandpa's house on Saturday and spent both nights watching movies and playing PaRappa The Rapper (hoorah for Playstaion 1s!) and I had to get up at 6 this morning for school. I am hungry because I haven't eaten since... like 2:00. And I am bored because I waiting for that slow pizza guy to get here. Egads, how long does it take to deliver a pizza? And I am uber excited because I am having my best friends over tomorrow and we're gonna watch a bunch of Tim Burton movies. Yay yay yay.
Tim Burton= The absolute awesomest director/screenwiter EVAH! And I am tres tres excited because i have just found out that a Coraline movie is being made, and that's not all, it is being made by HENRY SELICK! For those of you who don't know who Henry Selick is, he is the director of Nightmare Before Christmas (contrary to popular belief, Tim Burton is NOT the director of that movie, he just wrote it and stuff.) so i am chock full of EXCITEMENT today. Oh, and Coraline is being done in animation which makes me even more excited because that means it will most likely be stop-motion which means i am geing to have to see it the day it comes out. At midnight. SO EXCITED! All who say this movie is going to be the bitchinest thing since fire (or Nightmare) say "aye!" AYE!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Thank you deadpuppy for this is AWESOME. AWESOMEAWESOMEAWESOME. I mean seriously, just look at that. That is just SO COOL. I wonder how much money these people who just sculpt stuff out of food make... I think I might just do that for a living. That would be fun. But then I'd be tempted to eat like... all of it. Yummm... I can't really think of much to say about this other than that it is AWESOME. And yes, AWESOME does have to be in all caps.

Friday, March 10, 2006


WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING IS AWESOME AND I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!!! *does a victory dance* Life is officially not total crap and I love it. I even love my 6th hour, and that's my clean water class which is taught by a sadistic evil satan-worshipper. Actually, I don't know if he worships satan, but he is sadistic and evil. But that's ok because everything is still AWESOME!!!! Teehee, happy happy happy... for once. Heh, those evil jerks at school can't call ME emo anymore... they'll have to find some other depressed kid to make fun of... because i am HAPPY. Actually, not only do i not absolutle despise my 6th hour anymore, i love it. It rocks. all we do is sit around and hang out and not listen to mr. sadist. i think that guy should legally have his name changed to either Sadistic Satan Worsipper or Evil Sadist. then we could call him Sadistic or Mr. Sadist. Well, even though i love you all a whole lot, i must go find some other way to entertain myself. Au Revior, mes petit dejeuner--oops, I mean amies! I loves you all!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Gah! I cannot figure our how to freaking delete posts! Why am i so utterly and completely stupid!?
Why does my life insist on being so very difficult? Oh, and in science class today, i found out that i am partially color-blind. Isn't that just fabulous? And i got a C+ in math, whch is VERY HORRIBLE by my parent's standards, AND (oh, yes. There's more!) my mom has decided that i don't get to bleach and dye may hair until i quit mutliating my thumbs (by picking at the skin around my nails) for half a year and i can't quit so i have to wear GLOVES! Egads. It does not get more dreadful than that.
At least i have cheese Batman to look forward to.

Monday, March 06, 2006

fwahness and whatnot.

I really should learn how to delete posts... Too bad i am so computerly handicapped. Especially since i am totally addicted to the computer. And (thanks to deadpuppy, you are awesome) I have officially decided that i AM going to make a Batman out of cheese. I'm sure you are all brimming with anticipation. Hopefully i will be able to snap a picture of him for this site before i eat him. With crackers. Like Wallace and Gromit. Yay. Well, I will leave you all to anticipate the utter and complete awesomeness that will be cheese Batman. Enjoy that.

Whatnot is a great word...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Whoa. It posted that last thing twice... weird... why'd it do that? Oh well, now there are two rants about awesome.

the rant about awesome.

Grrr... Why don't more people make awesome stuff out of cheese then post pictures of it on the internet so i can write about them on this blog? People suck. That's a lie. People are awesome.

I love people. Especially you nonexistant ones. Because you're just better.
Awesome. that is like... a really great word. It's an awesome word. Just like possum. I feel kind of happy today. But I'm also REALLY REALLY tired. Because i hardly sleep anymore. I'm too busy thinking of how much school sucks and how utterly awesome my friends are. Yep.

People who are awesome:
1. All of my friends at school.
2. All of the people at school that are not evil losers.
3. All of you nonexistant people.
4. My family (obviously.)
5. Assorted awesome people.
6. People who give random people hugs.
7. People who create odd things with cheese.
8. All of the people in the FJKA (you know who you are.)
9. Amanda Palmer
10. Tim Burton
11. ummmm... i ran out of ideas... yeah, well, that's good enough.

so yeah.
OH! And Batman. All of you people who say that Spiderman and Superman are better than Batman better GET OUT OF MY SIGHT RIGHT NOW before i hurt you. And if you don't believe me ask the last guy who tried to tell me Superman was better than Batman. And Alex, if you're reading this, sorry about that... yeahh... you just shouldn't disagree with me. Especially about nerdy stuff like superheroes.

PS: I am not responsible for my actions if you still have the nerve to disagree with me about the Batman thing. Seriously.