Just one fabulous thing after another.
Aggghhhh... Ok, people think Minnesota is all freezing all the time, but that is SO not true. Gaaarrrggg... I'm going to die of heatstroke... at least it's not as bad as it was yesterday... Psh, we need air conditioning.
HEY, A COOKIE!!!! Yumyumyum...
Aw, man, now I have to to my math homework. And go buy new gym shoes. Because the ones I currently have gave me some weird foot problem where I can't walk after wearing them for half an hour or more.
My life is just one fabulous thing after another, huh?
HEY, A COOKIE!!!! Yumyumyum...
Aw, man, now I have to to my math homework. And go buy new gym shoes. Because the ones I currently have gave me some weird foot problem where I can't walk after wearing them for half an hour or more.
My life is just one fabulous thing after another, huh?
i use 2 live in minn i dun member it tho i left wen i was a baby we lived by rochester were tha mayo clinic is
im still an f in math summer school is on tha way :o(
ps hope ur feet is better b 4 u need orthopedic stripysocks
Haha, that would ROCK.
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