Sunday, March 05, 2006

the rant about awesome.

Grrr... Why don't more people make awesome stuff out of cheese then post pictures of it on the internet so i can write about them on this blog? People suck. That's a lie. People are awesome.

I love people. Especially you nonexistant ones. Because you're just better.
Awesome. that is like... a really great word. It's an awesome word. Just like possum. I feel kind of happy today. But I'm also REALLY REALLY tired. Because i hardly sleep anymore. I'm too busy thinking of how much school sucks and how utterly awesome my friends are. Yep.

People who are awesome:
1. All of my friends at school.
2. All of the people at school that are not evil losers.
3. All of you nonexistant people.
4. My family (obviously.)
5. Assorted awesome people.
6. People who give random people hugs.
7. People who create odd things with cheese.
8. All of the people in the FJKA (you know who you are.)
9. Amanda Palmer
10. Tim Burton
11. ummmm... i ran out of ideas... yeah, well, that's good enough.

so yeah.
OH! And Batman. All of you people who say that Spiderman and Superman are better than Batman better GET OUT OF MY SIGHT RIGHT NOW before i hurt you. And if you don't believe me ask the last guy who tried to tell me Superman was better than Batman. And Alex, if you're reading this, sorry about that... yeahh... you just shouldn't disagree with me. Especially about nerdy stuff like superheroes.

PS: I am not responsible for my actions if you still have the nerve to disagree with me about the Batman thing. Seriously.


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