Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Nerdy goodness

Yay! I got new shoes! And they work!
Ok, since I'm a super uber nerd, I decided to go buy the first two X-men movies. So I got out my bike and biked all the way down to Calhoun Square in Uptown to go to Borders and see if they had it, but they were closed, so I went to Comic College instead to buy comics or something, but they were closed too. Gaarrgg.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Just one fabulous thing after another.

Aggghhhh... Ok, people think Minnesota is all freezing all the time, but that is SO not true. Gaaarrrggg... I'm going to die of heatstroke... at least it's not as bad as it was yesterday... Psh, we need air conditioning.
HEY, A COOKIE!!!! Yumyumyum...
Aw, man, now I have to to my math homework. And go buy new gym shoes. Because the ones I currently have gave me some weird foot problem where I can't walk after wearing them for half an hour or more.

My life is just one fabulous thing after another, huh?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


"Dirty Business" by The Dresden Dolls if officially one of my most favoritest songs.
I have Math homework... Gyah... I don't want to do my homework... I failed a science test today. I hate botany... Well, at least I think I failed it... Ah, well. I'm taking two science classes right now anyway, no big deal if I fail one.
Why on eath do I have a bruise on my palm? Hm. Some mysteries will never be solved. I will just rant on about stuff now. I have the word "Pen" written on my hand and underlined two times. Then I have a scratch from a safety pin, and a blue line that my boyfriend drew. Altogether I have four lines on my hand. Crazy, huh? I am wearing exactly fourteen bracelets right now. Two of which are actually necklaces wrapped around my wrist multiple times, and two more of which are actually hairties. I have to punch one of my friends tomorrow because he said that The Dresden Dolls were bad emos with no artistic talent at all. Damn, and I was so hoping I wouldn't have to kill him because he is funny. Ah,well. He needs to die.

I think I will go eat soup now.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'm back! Again!

Hello peoples! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, I've recently aquired a social life.
And with it I have also aquired large bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. But oh well.

And Deadpuppy, I do not hate you, you are my favoritest zombie puppy of all.
And Camie, I am not grounded. Oh god, that would really suck... I hates being grounded...
And I do not have another blog, I'm just lazy and busy with my friends.
And The Blair Witch Project is not a scary movie. It is awesome, but not scary.