ok this is officially the best thing i have found so far. well, in my opinion. it's pikachu. made out of brie. OH. MY. GOD. it's like briekachu!!! i want one!!! it's so cute, isn't it? i just think it's so funny that somebody would make a little pikachu out of cheese. i also think it's scarily ironic because i was just talking to somebody about pokemon. god, i just can't get over how totally awesome that is. heh, briekachu...
oh my. how fabulous. it's more of our old friend cheesus. thank you deadpuppy because the site you told me to go to is fantastic. FANTASTIC. "International distributor of premium quality, religious-themed cheese sculptures." oh. my. god. religious-themed cheese sculptures. that has got to be the second most ridiculous thing i have EVER heard. why the hell would somebody want a religious-themed sculpture... made out of cheese? CHEESE. well. i suppose it would taste better than one made out of stone or whatever. then again, so would a lot of stuff. but not guacamole. that crap is disgusting. it's all... green and... chunky... ewww... not spinach either. unless the spinach wasn't cooked. why am a talking about spinach? you know, i don't want to know. POSSUM.
found one!
ok, i found another cheese sculpture. this is some guy named Don Henley and he is made out of parmesan. i don't know about you but that kind of freaks me out. it's kinda creepy lookin', don't you think? i don't know what's so creepy about it, but for some reason it's creepy. maybe it's that line running down the right side of his face... or his mouth which is just odd looking... or his eyes... you know, maybe it's just the whole thing. all i know it that it creeps me out. i hope the guy this is modeled after doesn't actually have a mouth like that. because that would be creepy. and if he does look like that i hope he never reads this blog... yeah.
since google is LAME
ok, because of the fact that google is a total piece of CRAP and i can't find any more pictures of cheese on it and what i could find was being stupid and wouldn't let me see the full-sized image and... well, the point is that i can't find any more pictures of entertaining things made out of cheese, so i have devised a plan. until i can find a picture of something good and cheesey, you, my nonexistant friends, are just going to have to entertain yourselfs with *drum roll* THE FABULOUS AXE-WEILDING MARSHMALLOW!!!!!!
ok, have fun, i'm off to hunt down more cheesey pictures.
look at that. another sculpture made of cheese. WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND MAKING STUFF OUT OF CHEESE?!!?? well, i guess that is kind of a dumb question considering that stuff made out of cheese is awesome, so everybody should make stuff out of cheese, but still. why would somebody want to make some weird parrot... thing. out of cheese? why would somebody want to make some weird parrot thing out of anything? it's just WEIRD. i'm going to go try to find a better cheese picture because this one kind of sucks and i can't think of anything to say about it except that is it just plain weird.