since google is LAME

ok, because of the fact that google is a total piece of CRAP and i can't find any more pictures of cheese on it and what i could find was being stupid and wouldn't let me see the full-sized image and... well, the point is that i can't find any more pictures of entertaining things made out of cheese, so i have devised a plan. until i can find a picture of something good and cheesey, you, my nonexistant friends, are just going to have to entertain yourselfs with *drum roll* THE FABULOUS AXE-WEILDING MARSHMALLOW!!!!!!
ok, have fun, i'm off to hunt down more cheesey pictures.
hay ty 4 comin bye tha doghouse:o)
vous etes bienvenu, merci for commenting my blog. you're like... one of 3 people who's ever even looked at it.
ps its an elk ;o)
moose, elk, same thing.
moose is just more fun to say.
oui les orignaux sont refroidisseur de manière que des élans
"yes the mooses are cooling so that dashes" ? wha? what is that supposed to mean?
No...I'm sure more than three people have stopped by... I'm not sure how I came across your sight, but I bookmarked it and check in often...
Plus, it's through your blog that I came across deadpuppy. His writing is as cool as your cheez.
You're the queen of cheez to me!
shes a cheeze whiz...ok pelt me with cheetos :o)
yayness! i feel so special.
*throws cheetos at deadpuppy* BWAHAHAHA!!!
obey me, for i am la reine du fromage!!!!
the queen of cheese rulesssssss
yes. yes i do.
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