found one!

i don't know about you but that kind of freaks me out. it's kinda creepy lookin', don't you think? i don't know what's so creepy about it, but for some reason it's creepy. maybe it's that line running down the right side of his face... or his mouth which is just odd looking... or his eyes... you know, maybe it's just the whole thing. all i know it that it creeps me out. i hope the guy this is modeled after doesn't actually have a mouth like that. because that would be creepy. and if he does look like that i hope he never reads this blog... yeah.
it looks liek somebody bit off the end of his nose... don henley is he 1 of the eagles? my dad luvs tha eagles but he wont luv this 1
i have no clue who don henley is.
The only Don Henley I know of is in the Eagles...I Googled him for a photo, and you know...there is a resemblance.
the poor man.
I put you on my blog roll, too. Is CheezeQueen okay for the title, or do you want the true name of your blog? Let me know.
try this 1:o)
Sorry, I deleted my comment on the previous post...I wanted it on this post instead...
Okay, I combined the name of your blog with CheezeQueen.
Is that okay?
I put info on how to install blogroll on deadpuppy's blog, in the comment section. Let me know if you need help with it.
since i am err... computerly... handicapped... basically, what i mean to say is that yes, i need help.
and of course you can call my blog CheezeQueen. it is my title, after all.
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