oh my. how fabulous. it's more of our old friend cheesus. thank you deadpuppy because the site you told me to go to is fantastic. FANTASTIC. "International distributor of premium quality, religious-themed cheese sculptures." oh. my. god. religious-themed cheese sculptures. that has got to be the second most ridiculous thing i have EVER heard. why the hell would somebody want a religious-themed sculpture... made out of cheese? CHEESE. well. i suppose it would taste better than one made out of stone or whatever. then again, so would a lot of stuff. but not guacamole. that crap is disgusting. it's all... green and... chunky... ewww... not spinach either. unless the spinach wasn't cooked. why am a talking about spinach? you know, i don't want to know. POSSUM.
hay! lets have jesus 4 dinner... with crackers, mmmmm.
to eat cooked spinich u need 2 saute it in garlic n olive oil...
uhoh, did my roman roots fall out there?
d34dpuppy a real latin(o)
if one ate jesus for dinner, would they become enlightened? wonder how he would tast sauted with olive oil and garlic?
well isn't eating a communion wafer (or whatever they are called) supposed to be like eating the body of jesus? yum... jesus...
i never realised b4 that tha cat lick church promotes cannabalism... i quit.
oh my god you're right!!!
still. i say cheesus would be very tasty.
mabe we can get st john tha bisquits,too?
haha that v-word musta known i says i quit that cat licks, it was:
lmao, it must be freak coincidence week.
i need cheezzziessssssssss
so do i!!! come back queen, come back!
u know i was thinkin( a very dangerous thingie) and u can still b tha Queen of All CheezieStuff n not have eatin type cheeze in tha picture cos cheeze is liek, just weird stuff people do r try 2 sell kinda tha used cars of cyberbia
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