ok, i know i've already posted one thing today, but this was far to scary to pass up. this is (believe it or not) made of cream cheese. i have proof (this is a quote from the site i got this from):"...Victor used Sorrento cream cheese (tinted with chili powder and turmeric in some areas)..."i rest my case. now tell me, does that scare you? cause it scares me. it's all red on his face and... *shudders* is a work of art though and i'm sure it took up plenty of time and energy, so i commend the artist for that.
cheesasaurus rex!
check this guy out. now he's an interesting specimen. ok, can you guess how much this thing weighs? 250 POUNDS. 250. he does not looks like he weighs that much. heh, i just realized i'd been calling the cheese a he. ha, silly me, cheese has no gender. anyway, cheesasaurus rex here is a really wierd scupture in my opinion. look at it. it's like a kraft macoroni an' cheese ad unto it's self. and it's made of cheese. personally i'd like to eat it. it looks severly tasty. you know, it's actualy very well made. it looks just like the freaky orange dinosaur on tv. wow. it just occured to me how much cheese that is. 250 freaking pounds. that, my friends, is a lot of cheese. not as much as the car though. that thing is awesome.
holy cheese!
wow. it's... it's cheesus. no, i'm serious, that is a jesus made of cheese. heh, that is hilarious. BEHOLD. wow. i'm just... i'm at a loss for words. look, i'm not religious or anything so i just don't see the point in a regular sculpture of jesus, but a cheese one? that is wierd. actually i think i'd prefer the cheese one. because then i could eat it. yummmm... cheesus... it's supposed to flash the words "behold the power of cheesus" at the bottom. but i dunno if it'll work.
do you see that? do you have any idea what that is? that, my friend, is a car made entirely of cheddar cheese. it's a cheese car. CHEESE CAR. I am so gonna get myself a cheese convertable. that would be freaking awesome. wow. that is a crapload of cheese. i wonder how long it took to make it. HOLY CRAP! THAT THING WEIGHS 3,500 POUNDS! dang. that is a lot of cheese. And it's 5ft high, 12ft long, and 6ft wide. yum. when i'm rich and famous i'm gonna build me a mansion made entirely out of yellow cheddar cheese. then i'll eat it. or keep it in a large freezer to keep it from spoiling. or i'll build it on the arctic tundra. any of those. and all you fabulous peoples can come visit me in my awesome cheese lover's dream house. and all the furniture and stuff would also be cheese. only it would be different colors too. heh, yay.
about that last post
yeah... umm... look, sorry about the whole wizard of cheese thing, i--i just go slightly insane sometimes.
i gotta get me somma' those
those are awesome. had i any idea that there was such a thing as cheese headphones i would have got some from ebay a looooong time ago. not just a long time ago, but a looooong time ago. looooong time. but as i do not already own those i gotta get me some. heh. i use bad grammar. i bet i spelled that wrong. how much you wanna bet about half the kids in wiconsin own a pair o' theese. with their "world's larget replica cheese".aka: world's largest FAKE cheese. and their cheese hats. i gotta get me one o' those too. a cheese fedora maybe. i would so wear that to school.

finally some real cheesey goodness... yuuuummmm... and yes, you do have to obey zee cheese. obey...obey...obey...obey...obey...
more about cheese.
THERE YOU GO MY BELOVED NONEXISTANT PEOPLES WHO REQUESTED MORE CHEESEY GOODNESS!!! wait... that be fake cheese! one minute, lemme' find some REAL cheesey goodness...
the hats are eating their brains!
i don't know about you, but i wouldn't be caught dead in public wearing one of those hats. it looks like some kind of furry... thing has latched on to both their heads! do you see one of them is screaming her frigging head off and the other one is crying? i fear for the brains of the human race. this insanity can not continue! evil brainsucking hats must be stopped!
i'm bored. that's all i have to say. plus that bird wing hat cracks me up. heh heh heh...
This is what we civilized people call a hat. no bird wing, hat.
What's that on her head?
wait a minute. what is that on her head? that can not be a hat. it looks like some kind of... dead bird's wing or something. and that's some famous person isn't it? well she has freakish taste in hats. who is that anyway? i know i probably should know, but i don't ok. so one of you people (if anyone is even reading this) tell me who the crap the lady with the scary bird wing hat is, ok? thank you. you know... that hat does kind of match her hair... eugh...
heh heh heh...
i have decided i am going to post pictures of extremely ugly hats on this blog and make fun of them. and you people (who are probably nonexistant and i am probably just making this blog for my own enjoyment) can feel free to make fun of zee uuurgly hats too. because that eees just so fun. yay. I LOVE YOU ALL NONEXISTANT PEOPLES WHO LIKE CHEESE!!!!
scarily ugly hat
i was casually looking though google images at entirely random hats and i found this extremely uuuurgly one. i mean seriously. what the crap? it's like... scary it's so ugly.
Awesome Directors
Let me just say that the movie corpse bride is freaking awesome and Tim Burton is the awesomest director EVER. then Miazaki. cause he's cool too. good grod i am bored out of my mind! grrrrrrrrr... ho hum. sick today... staying home from school... la dee da.... grrrrr...
First Postie Deeley
IF YOU ARE READING THIS AND YOU DON'T LIKE CHEESE STOP READING NOW. ok. now that that's taken care of. hrmm... well... i have to admit this is the first blog i have ever done so yeah. don't blame me if it sucks. but nobody will ever read this anyway. so yeah... heh heh heh...