Saturday, October 15, 2005


do you see that? do you have any idea what that is? that, my friend, is a car made entirely of cheddar cheese. it's a cheese car. CHEESE CAR. I am so gonna get myself a cheese convertable. that would be freaking awesome.
wow. that is a crapload of cheese. i wonder how long it took to make it. HOLY CRAP! THAT THING WEIGHS 3,500 POUNDS! dang. that is a lot of cheese. And it's 5ft high, 12ft long, and 6ft wide. yum. when i'm rich and famous i'm gonna build me a mansion made entirely out of yellow cheddar cheese. then i'll eat it. or keep it in a large freezer to keep it from spoiling. or i'll build it on the arctic tundra. any of those. and all you fabulous peoples can come visit me in my awesome cheese lover's dream house. and all the furniture and stuff would also be cheese. only it would be different colors too. heh, yay.


Blogger jojo said...

Whoah...the things you can do with cheese! Man, it's so underestimated!

6:12 AM  
Blogger jojo said...

PS. If you're getting heaps of spam comments, you can set a 'word verification' thing on your blog. Just go to 'settings' and then 'comments'. It means people have to put a short code in which stops spam (like on min). Just a tip if it's bothering you! (you can delete this comment if you liek, it's pretty dull!! haha!)

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that car is wild they shoulda coloured it the same as santa cheese is n made it a convert so r u ganna make a 2 story cheese pad? ganna melt cheezewhiz 4 a spa
damn this is a cheesey post
i do like ur blog tho

12:44 PM  

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