Today's the Day Of Silence! I got heckled so much at school for refusing to talk, it really pissed me off. And then I had my friend explain to this girl that I wasn't talking because I was an advocate for GLBT rights and she was like "Oh my god, you support who?!" It really made me want to kill her. But, whatever, if people wanna be homophobic assholes I might as well let them. Well, good for all of you people who participated in the Day of Silence, <333
Oh. My. God. I saw this in our mailbox and had to put it on here because I couldn't stop laughing. Oh yeah, sure, life in a peaceful new word where people pet bears and lions, and deer comne right up to humans. Psh-HAHAHAHAHAHA. I guess it's not as funny if you don't have the text that goes with it, so here it is: "When you look at the scene on this tract, what feelings do you have? Does not your heart yearn for the peace, happiness, and prosperity seen there? Surely it does. But is it just a dream, or fantasy, to believe these conditions will ever exist on earth?... Well, consider the fact that such ideal conditions were part of God's original purpose for this earth. He placed the first human couple in the earthly Paradise of Eden and gave them a marvelous assignment: 'Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it.' (Genesis 1:28) Yes, God's purpose was for them to have children and eventually to spread their Paradise over all the earth. Although they later chose to disobey God, thus proving to be unfit to live forever, God's original purpose did not change. And it must be fulfilled in a new world!—Isaiah 55:11....God's Kingdom will bring earthly benefits beyond compare, accomplishing everything good that God originally purposed for his people to enjoy on earth. Hatreds and prejudices will cease to exist...In time, God's Kingdom will even restore the peaceful relations that existed in the garden of Eden between animals, and between animals and humans. The Bible says: 'The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them.'"
That's ludicrous. Seriously. I-I don't even know what to say to that.
Yay, yay, yay, and thrice YAY! I finally bought The Vampire Lestat!!!! Yay!!! That makes me sooo utterly and completely happy!!!! I think I will do a victory dance. *Does a victory dance* Horrah. I read Interview With the Vampire like, last year, so it's about time I got this one. I'ma go read that now. And then I'm going to go read another comic. Because comics rock my knee-high stripey socks off, FOOL!
Ok, my friend Valerie says that CD players are stupid, out-of-date, lame, inconvienient, and NOT technology. She obviously needs to have her head examined. CD players are SO technology! Here is the definition of technology: tech·nol·o·gy (tk-nl-j)·nol·o·gies
The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives.
The scientific method and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective.
Electronic or digital products and systems considered as a group: a store specializing in office technology.
Anthropology. The body of knowledge available to a society that is of use in fashioning implements, practicing manual arts and skills, and extracting or collecting materials.
Do CD players fit any of those definitions? Yes. GAH! Valerie has got to be one of the most irritating people on the planet. And CD players are awesome. Oh well, her opinion is invalid anyway.
Well, I'm gonna go be a nerd and read comic books, <333
I bought an iPod Nano. That makes me an uber hypocrite. Especially since I lurve it. It's all cute and small and awwwhhh... And it's got some awesome music on it. BUT, let's not talk about music. Let's just talk about iPods. Because I don't think getting into another music discussion is a good idea *cough cough* CAMIE *cough cough*
I just got back from going to the Children's Museum with my baby sister, Eve, and she is like a little hellian. She mauled about 15 kids! She tried to gouge out one kids eye, and after I pulled her away from that kid, she goes off and starts strangling another kid. It's insane. She's insane.
Poof and kaboom! Bonjour. Ok, yesterday, I went to see Sophie Scholl at the Lagoon with my best friend Abby (with whom I got in trouble a few days ago for threatening this girl) and my other best friend Zoe and her boyfriend, (who is also one of my best friends) Andres. So we saw the movie, it was really awesome and sad and good, and Abby and I loved it but Andres and Zoe hated it (for no legitimate reason, they are just tasteless when it comes to film. Seriously, they wanted to go see Ice Age 2.). Then we were walking around Uptown and Abby is wearing this black trenchcoat with the little top things off of pop cans sewn all over it, along with some argile socks and black capris, I'm wearing a crapload of black eyeliner, dark red lipstick, my Nightmare Before Christmas sweatshirt, and carrying a lime green umbrella, even though it's not raining. Andres and Zoe are mostly normal-looking except for Zoe's huge black trenchcoat. So, we decide to go freak out the preps in American Eagle. Sadly, there was nobody there except for the two guys behind the counter. So, Abby says (in a joking way) "Chloe, I dare you to go skip back and forth in front of the guys and the counter and twirl your umbrella. And whistle." So, me being me, I did it. They eventually kicked us out, but it was awesome while it lasted. After that, we were going to go into Gap and pants all the maniquins, but Zoe told us not to. Then I jumped on the back of a UPS truck for about 10 seconds because Abby said she'd pay me. Which she never did. So, that's my exciting day yesterday. Damn, that was fun...