Hey, sorry it's been awhile. My computer wouldn't let me go on blogger for some reason. Well, I'm going to Chocago for a week (Yay!) so I get to fly in a plane today.
Since yesterday was the last day of school we got to go to Valley Fair, and it was really awesome because I'm obsessed with things that go up really high (horrah for Power Tower, best view I've ever seen!)but me and my friends went on that ride Steel Venom, and for those of you who've never seen it it's this roller coaster thing where you're kind of dangling and you just basically go up and down and up and down over and over again, anyway we had gone on it like 3 times in a row because there was no line and then the one time that I had to go alone, it got stuck. We went up and down once then it just stopped and the lady over the loudspeaker was like "I'm sorry ladies and gentleman, but the ride seems to be stopped due to some technical difficulties. Those of you in line can continue waiting, but we don't know how long it will take to fix." Eek, right? So everyone on the ride starts screaming to their friends and stuff (so was I, because I didn't have anyone sitting next to me to talk to while we were stuck.) So the lady is like "People on the ride please stay calm, we will get you out as soon as possible." Which really doesn't do anything. So then the ride screaches and we move back towards the unloading spot about 2 feet and it does that over and over again until we finally get there. And I'm just like "Yesss!!! Finally I get to get out!" But no. Because the harnesses are stuck. DAMN! So we wait for about another 5 minutes then this guy with a little electrical boxy dealy comes and plus a cord into something above my seat and the harness pops off. FINALLY. So yeah. That's the story of how I got stuck on Steel Venom.